The sky is
not the limit.

Especially not if this ‘paper ceiling’ is a PDF-based annual report. You know what our tech nerds would rather talk about? A fully responsive reporting architecture, with interactive elements yet still offering straightforward usability.

Pickup where you left off: our publishing tool makes use of the roll-forward principle, so we don’t need to go back to square one every year. All data is stored securely even after publication and is immediately available when the next year rolls around.

In short: you could even commission us with a full-scale rebrand and we’d still be starting with much more than a blank slate. All thanks to our top-flight multi-channel publishing tool.

Online: first. PDF: second.

The pocket-sized annual report is the report of the future. Quick to hand – any time, any place. Unlike a PDF, it goes beyond a mere document. It presents information in appealing graphics, configured to your situation-specific request. It uses moving images to convey not just the raw data but the real values of your company. It becomes part of your corporate communications.

If you opt for the online-first approach, we’ll get you and your team started with This is our headless CMS-based platform for HTML reporting. That might sound complicated, but it’s child’s play to use and also very secure. The result is a an interactive landing page, with everything an annual report needs to include but without actually looking like one.P.S.: We can also use to generate a PDF from the HTML version. You know, in case you still want one.

PDF: first. Online: second.

As an agency, we operate our own, in-house print works and have xx years of experience in corporate publishing. So, we understand the need to physically hold the report in your hands. Once again, this is where we offer you something that few agencies can lay claim to: creative ideas that win awards and a layout-based platform that couldn’t be easier to use.

If you opt for the PDF-first approach, we’ll get you and your team started with ns.publish. You can also leave everything in our hands. It depends whether you’d rather be fully independent, work with us as part of a team or delegate the responsibility to our crew. Whatever you decide, the result is the same: your report as a PDF and in a premium printed hardcopy format. P.S.: We can also use ns.publish to generate a landing page from the PDF version. But if you’re already thinking about an HTML report, we’d best get started with

Machine-readable and super-efficient.

You and your team use our tagging feature to make your reports machine-readable. All you need to do is tag the relevant piece of content – that’s all there is to it. You can then submit your corporate reports to regulators as an ESEF package or XHTML file. For sustainability reports, the ESRS standard naturally applies instead.

Apart from making reports machine-readable, tagging also has the huge advantage of saving time and hassle during the report creation process. This is because you and your team work together in the tool. You can assign task areas, and collaborate on content and tagging until everything is just as it should be.

Even more services.

Bild eines Teleskops

Strategy und concept

Our creative strategists and designers have one goal in mind: drawing up the best-possible blueprint for your annual corporate, financial and ESG/sustainability reports. And taking a brand-new approach.

Bild eines Planeten

Content creation

Structure, design and software: check. Now... how about some text and a translation? Graphics or motion graphics? Photos, video and 3D?

Take our crew for a test flight

Outstanding quality is not the only thing we deliver. We’re also lightning fast and economical with our resources, as everyone’s sitting around the same table.

Revolutionise your corporate reporting.

Ready when you are. For an informal chat over coffee. Specific strategies for your reports. Or a no-obligation pitch with ideas for your organisation.