It’s a corporate report.
But not as you know it.

The reports that we create are not simply rows of text on otherwise empty paper. They’re more like finely honed artworks. Colourful or monochrome. Dynamic or straight to the point. Interactive or top-down.

In short: we make sure that your reporting is as impactful as it can be for your company. This might mean that you ask us to develop a completely new corporate design, if you want to start from scratch. Or that we should plan some highly specialised content items for your report.

Whatever the specifics might be, the final business or sustainability report that we deliver not only includes everything that it needs to, from cover to cover, but is also so well put together that your marketing team will be literally lost for words.

The start of something wonderful. Namely: your report.

Ein Bild vom accurate Team

Did you know? We get all our strategists and creatives literally sitting around the same table. We naturally give everyone in our crew the freedom to work where they feel they are most creative and productive. But apparently, that’s together.

It makes a lot of sense: everyone is a specialist –doing that which they do with a passion. And when working together, theircapabilities build off one another, generate ideas and don’t stop until thevery last detail is perfectly in place.

For you, this means you have a team you can rely on from the very firstday. A crew that values your business as you do yourself. But without theburden of admin and supervision. That’s what our project managers are for.

Even more services.


Our publishing tools aren’t just good – they’re revolutionary. And they don’t just output perfect PDFs but also online reports – whose interactivity and impact is unlike anything Germany’s ever seen.

Bild eines Planeten

Content creation

Structure, design and software: check. Now... how about some text and a translation? Graphics or motion graphics? Photos, video and 3D?

Take our crew for a test flight

Outstanding quality is not the only thing we deliver. We’re also lightning fast and economical with our resources, as everyone’s sitting around the same table.

Revolutionise your corporate reporting.

Ready when you are. For an informal chat over coffee. Specific strategies for your reports. Or a no-obligation pitch with ideas for your organisation.